This page contains two example forms that could be used to set up data for creating device programming jobs using BPM Microsystems automated handlers, BPWin API and a database.

The first form is used to set up specifics relating to the part type that needs to be programmed, the code to be used and associated files to set up the job and the handler, a "Programmed Device" identifier is created. 

The second form simply allows the selection of the created "Programmed Device", the quantity required to be programmed and allocate a Job ID to all batch logging.
Once submitted, the data is saved and a pdf is created.

Please note, this is not 100% fully functional, this is just an example

This is an example of data entry for the setup of a programmable device for use with BPWin API.

Please complete the following fields


This is an example of data selection to create a Job Sheet for use with BPWin API.

Please complete the following fields