Camera to Nozzle Coplanar Alignment

Camera to Nozzle Coplanar Alignment


Step-by-step guide on how to check and adjust the Camera to Nozzle Coplanar Alignment on 3x00 and 4x00 APS


For the BPM Microsystems handlers to correctly and accurately measure and align devices for accurate placement, the nozzle must be aligned perfectly perpendicular to the plane of the Cyberoptic camera.

Tools needed: Set of SAE Hex wrenches, a TSOP device, a straight or new Z Bellows (CPICROD01), and a standard nozzle tip (CPICNOZ01), with a new o-ring (CPICORING01).

Start BPWin and check the nozzle runout (this can be found in the BPWin output window or current html log file at c:\bp\datalog\blackbox.html. The nozzle runout must be less than 2 mils for the most accurate alignment. Correct or replace the Z bellows/nozzle as necessary. 
Open the interlock and move the head forward so that accessing the nozzle will be easier.
Go to Autohandler/Diagnostics/CyberView. In the Cyberview dialog window, click the Capture button. 

CyberView Image

The Cyberoptic camera has
an laser
emitter on one side, and a detector on the other side. Each side also has a lens that must be kept clean as part of maintenance.
The blue squiggly line represents the Cyberoptic camera laser beam cast across the entire opening of the detector. The left side of the "window" is toward the back of the handler, the right side is toward the front. The height of the beam is a function of intensity. The scale on the right side shows that the unblocked laser beam is 150 units of intensity. The dip in the middle is the nozzle tip. It is casting a partial shadow. A full shadow would be indicated by an intensity of 0. At this point, the nozzle is at the home position, defined as where the nozzle tip just breaks the Cyberoptic beam. This diagram explains the Camera beam graphically: Cyberview explained.PNG

Click the Vacuum On button, and place a TSOP (or large QFP) upside down on the nozzle. Square up the device to the Cyberoptic camera so that the longest side is facing and square to the lenses. This will cast the widest shadow.
If you click the Capture button now, you will see that the full width of the device will cast a complete shadow as in the following example.

CyberView Image with a part on the nozzle

Use the Z-axis Pick and Place Control to raise the nozzle until the bottom of the device can be seen. (
the top of the device, because it's on the nozzle upside down)
Enter a positive value
example: 10 mil in the Z-axis Relative Pos box, and click Move Up. Then capture. Move up more if necessary. Click capture. In the following example, the device was raised too high. 

CyberView Image with no part on the nozzle

Change the value from 10 to 2 mils and click Move Down to fine tune the Z position. Not that the Z-axis Position value changes as you move the nozzle up and down.
Keep trying until you can see the bottom of the device as in this example:

CyberView Image showing that the camera is not level

is not perpendicular to the camera in the example above. If it were, the device's shadow would be horizontal, and not angled.
In the W-axis (Theta) Relative Pos box, enter 180 deg, and click Rotate CW (or Rotate CCW, the effect is the same). Click Capture again and see what the image looks like. You may need to
fine tune
the nozzle height again.
The resulting 180 deg.
will tell a story. If the device surface is still slanted, and is slanted in the same direction, then the camera is not
and needs to be shimmed. If the image is slanted but in the opposite direction then the Nozzle is probably bent. Replace the nozzle and try again. 

For the 3x00 APS system,
is made by shimming the theta motor. 

For the 4x00 APS System,
is made by shimming the camera.

The result of the shimming is to get the device image as close to horizontal as possible. The following images show good alignments.

CyberView Image showing good camera alignment

Although the following image is not completely horizontal, it is perfectly acceptable, good enough. The image should be good at both 0 and 180 deg. CyberView Image showing alignment

When finished with the adjustment, remove the device from the nozzle, click the Vacuum Off button and then the Close button. The handler will initialize and home.
Because shimming will not significantly change the relative height of the Cyberoptic camera, reteaching is not required. No other calibration is necessary.

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